Design your personal operating system: habits


Some great thoughts and ideas on creating good habits from my friend Frank.


Habits are behaviors you do without thought. Your default. Your routine. Habits become the operating system you live your life through.

Marketers, advertisers, psychologists, designers have discovered tiny secrets that help them create behaviors and program an individual’s operating system.

Benjamin Franklin—statesmen, musician, author, inventor—asked himself every morning:

What good shall I do today?

He tracked 13 morals on a daily basis to see how he had been doing. He created a system to develop better habits and improve himself on a daily basis.

I want to share a slice things I have been a part of. I currently work as a software, software is the language I communicate in. I used to work in human-computer interaction for behavior design and research. While there is overlap in technique, this intersection of design, behavior, and engineering is unique.

Many of us have trouble recognizing the fact: You can change your habits…

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Childish Gambino + at SXSW 2014


Childish Gambino came by the WordPress house and did a special show for our guests: We also closed out SXSW on Saturday with a presents The Deep Web Tour performance. I took a quick vid from the couch on stage – Freaks and Geeks!:

The Childish Gambino / Steve G. Lover freestyle encore was awesome.  Sweet WordPress shoutout at 3:13 (Fan Video):